We offer a wide variety of programmes for our members. The bulk of them are hosted on home turf on our beautiful beachfront forest Campsite in The Western Cape, at outsourced breath-taking venues in Gauteng, or at our very own Baytim (homes) in Cape Town and Johannesburg. Many of our programmes also take shape in the form of life-changing stays in Israel, as well as other international camps/tours. Take a look around and find out what we can offer you.
Depending on the year, we run up to 4 trips to Israel, and 2 other international trips for our Chaverim. On these programmes we encourage participants to engage with their Zionism, and the history of the Jewish people.
Our three week tour of Israel for our Grade 10 Channies. This tour focuses on getting to know the beauty and history of Israel, but also getting to know oneself through a journey of self-exploration.
The 10 month long gap year program offered to Matric graduates, where personal growth and leadership development is as the forefront of the experience. The gap year is in Israel, but can have legs in Poland, and Hungary.
A free birth right trip to Israel offered to Bogrim (ages 18+) who have yet to experience the land of Israel. This programme does not happen every year, but we’ve found great success with it in the past.
Israel Leadership Tour:
A 10 day leadership program for senior Bogrim (ages 21+), where skill building is the emphasis. This programme does not happen every year.
Habonim Dror Olami’s (HDO) international camp in Budapest, Hungary. Our senior Bogrim (ages 21+) are given the opportunity to apply to be Madrichim on this Machaneh for free.
Given that the majority of our community is Ashkenazi, in some years, we offer tours to Western Europe for our senior Bogrim (ages 21+) focussing on Jewish quarters and the Holocaust.
The bulk of our programming is done on home turf where we provide fun and insightful experiences for our Chaverim, and try get them to engage with our values and how they can fit their lives. These events/programs are specifically and well catered to a chaver’s age and ensures for a good time and life-long memories.
2 to 3 times a year, we run a Shabbaton where we condense as much Habo Magic as we can into one weekend for our Channies.
For our Grade 11 Senior Channies, and Grade 12 Junior Maddies, this is a Hadracha (leadership) seminar which takes place of our beautiful campsite in Onrus.
A new and exciting take of Winter Camp for grades 7-9. This elevated event allows for more fun and bonding during the July holidays. This programme focuses on the fun and culture in Habo.
Throughout the year we run smaller events where we interact with our Channies: these are planned activities at our Bayit like braais, games/movie nights, or our famous chocolate seder; or outings like hikes and paintball.
South African Leadership Tour:
A leadership program for our Bogrim (ages 18+) focusing on South African civil society. This Programme does not happen every year.
We host a variety of other regular and smaller events and have a have many initiative running concurrently. Find out how you can get involved in our community, and the Jewish and South African communities at large.
Among a list of programs and events specifically catered to our older Chaverim, taking part in facilitating our programmes as a councillor is extremely fun and rewarding in itself.
Every week, our senior Channies (age 17) and Bogrim (ages 18+) gather at our Baytim for fun and enriching activities.
At any given time, we are running several outreach initiatives. To name a few: we form partnerships with underprivileged communities and NGOs to run activities for youth in need, and we have continuous drives collecting recourses for shelters.
Every week we visit the Jewish day schools to say “Hi” to our Channies and remind them how much they mean to us. If you go to a non-Jewish school, don’t worry because we still come spread the love as often as we can.
The biggest of Them All
At the end of every year, we host up to 1 000 Chaverim on our beautiful, green campsite right on the beach in Onrus. Over this 3 week Machaneh, we exist in a world which feels completely separate from the real one, and build friendships that last forever, have fun with friends in a way you can never anywhere else, and engage with the world and ourselves in ways never thought possible. Machaneh is truly the heart of our movement and a magical experience for all those who attend it. You don’t want to miss camp!
We specialise in bringing lifechanging events and life-long memories to Jewish youth across Southern Africa.
Habonim Dror Southern Africa 2024 ©